OpZilla FM Synthesizer

A Monster of an FM Synthesizer

Meet OpZilla. An FM synthesizer that towers over the competition. Let’s start with its 64 4-operator algorithms and 16 waveforms per operator. This alone yields a huge variety of sonic possibilities for your music. But we didn’t stop there. Loopable envelopes, built-in effects, and sampled attacks add to its sonic bite. It’s a beast of an FM synth, but don’t worry, we’ve included factory presets from some of the industry’s best FM programmers so all you have to do is load it up, select your sound, and start playing.
The Sounds
OpZilla delivers your beloved FM basses, pearly FM pianos and pristine FM bells in abundance. But that alone wouldn’t make it the king of the urban jungle. So we took advantage of OpZilla’s unique features to give you over 150 fully editable sounds in 10 categories. Sounds you won’t find anywhere else. And sounds that fit any style of music from dance, electronic, hip hop, rock, pop and anything in between. Get a free trial here and hear for yourself!
Rising above the competition
Great sounds help make great music and can take a production from ok to sounding great! Let OpZilla take your music to the next level. To help you do this we’ve added some features you won’t find in other FM synths on the market.

Feature rich yet simple to use
OpZilla’s single screen layout and quick select buttons makes sound design fun and rewarding.
FM Operators

OpZilla’s 4 highly configurable operators define the genesis of your sound with detailed pitch, filter and amplitude control.

Combining your operators into any of 64 algorithms, with control over feedback and FM amounts, yields a virtually unlimited variety of sound timbres.
LFO Control

Further shape your sounds using OpZilla’s two low frequency oscillators available per voice, global, synced to your DAW tempo, or independently timed.

Add distortion, chorus, delay or reverb effects, alone or in combination, lets you set your sound perfectly in your music mix.

How you play your sounds is up to you. Mono or poly modes, sampled attacks for additional punch and character, and exacting control over your pitch and modwheels.
Take a tour of OpZilla
Click on the pins for a description.

High Pass FIlter
Sampled Attacks
Distortion Effect
Chorus Effect
Delay Effect
Reverb Effect
FM Algorithms
Mod Wheel Control
LFO Rate and Sync
FM Settings
Feedback - amount of the signal being fed back into the operator with the feedback path selected (self modulation) - increases the amount of harmonics generated by the operator.
FM Amount - allows for scaling all FM amounts in the patch and thus, the level of partials generated (richer sound).
LFO Re-triggering
LFO Amount
Pitch and FM Amount LFO Modulation
Operator 1-4 Amounts LFO Modulation
Operator Level
When the operator is a modulator (when it's signal is routed into another operator) it controls the level of the FM modulation performed by this operator, creating side-band partials as a result (richer sound produced by the operator being modulated).
ADSR Envelope
Amp Envelope Mode
Operator Pitch
Operator Keyboard Control
The bottom two knobs Vel and Attack set the amount at which velocity (dynamics of your playing) influence operator level and envelope attack time (softer playing makes the operator fade-in slower).
OpZilla Videos

OpZilla Audio Demos
OpZilla Specifications
- 64 algorithm FM synthesizer with sampled attacks, loopable envelopes and built-in effects
- 150+ fully editable instrument sounds
- Single page interface for fun and rewarding sound design
- Dual mode visual display (waveform and spectrum views)
- Support for micro-tuning
- Includes VST, AU, AAX and Standalone plugin formats for compatibility with all DAWs
- Powerful struQture synth engine delivers synth strings, basses, leads, stabs, pads, effects and a whole lot more.
- Perfect for EDM, Hip Hop, Pop, Reggae, Film/TV/Game and other music styles
- Pay-What-You-Want Pricing
System Requirements

- Mac OS X 10.12 or later
- Intel Core i5, i7, 2.3GHz processor or higher
- 4GB RAM (8 recommended)
- 500 Mbytes free disc space

- Windows (x64) OS 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- Intel Core i5, i7, 2.3GHz processor or higher
- 4GB RAM (8GB’s recommended)
- 500 Mbytes free disc space
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